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About Us 

Business Showers is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization based in Charlotte, NC. We organized during the COVID-

19 Pandemic in response to the growing demand for new businesses that desired to launch, in an

environment where many others were closing. Freedom In Me took action, despite our own financial

need, to give back to our community by supporting new businesses to ensure they beat the statistical data that

say's they won't make it past the first 3yrs. This one-of-a-kind initiative to build-back strong communities

continues to gain support and momentum nationwide.

What We Do

Our Mission


To increase the success rate for small business owners within the first three years of business, by combating some of the top reasons new businesses fail: lack of training, money and people resources, marketing strategies, and business plans.  





Annual Recruitment and Enrollment
Begins in December each year.

Goal: Recruit and screen quality adult & youth applications. 


  1. Applicants are screened. Those selected to be finalists receive 12 weeks of no-cost training where they learn how to develop, create and pitch a fund-ready business plan in hopes of winning a Business Shower.

  2. Youth are interviewed and enrolled in the program based on their application and interview scoring.

  3. Adults go through screening, and panel interviews, and are selected through this process.

  4. Selected businesses sign in to our virtual training and course platforms each week. Participants engage in the following: training, homework, Q&A & coaching. 

  5. Business owners work with Program staff to apply each successive week of training, toward the completion of a fund-ready business plan.

  6. Candidates in good standing (attendance, participation, community vote, and a completed business plan) are scheduled to pitch their business ideas and written plans to a panel of business professionals.

The finalists are selected based on their business plans/pitch scores to receive a Business Shower in July.






It is our hope that by "gifting" rising

entrepreneurs with the skills, services and

support needed for a solid foundation, we

will build stronger and more financially

sound communities. Small businesses will

be successful far beyond the first critical

three years in business. Why? ...because

the community comes together to create

new opportunities for one another, our

families; and society at large through

strengthening the small business






How We Do It

Why We Do It

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