Donja Williams
Founder & Executive Director
Meet Ms. Donja Williams: Motivational Speaker, Self-published author, Serial Entrepreneur and Philanthropist.
Currently, the Founder and CEO of Freedom In Me, LLC, a corporate & education training and consulting firm in Charlotte, N.C. Ms. Williams is also the founder and Executive Director of "Freedom In Me (FIM) Business Showers," a non-profit organization that provides start-up support to new businesses by connecting them to people and resources.
Although Ms. Williams holds degrees in Human Services and Social Work, she has a strong passion for supporting new entrepreneurs who, like she, faced a multitude of challenges launching in business. When Ms. Williams was unsuccessful finding start-up support, she became that same support for others. Donja reached out to connections within her network and pitched her idea to support new businesses during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, by offering business showers. Many partners loved the idea, and her determination and desire to help; and, they joined the movement.
Ms. Williams asked her network to donate time and services to provide "shower gifts" to program honorees." The outpouring of support was overwhelming. In addition, Donja sowed thousands of dollars of personal resources into the project. The organization gained momentum within two years. Consequently, the FIM Business Showers Organization received full funding from the City of Charlotte for the 2022-23 program year. Donja doubled the impact and capacity of the organization through her direct efforts of securing new partners and building a dynamic team in record time.
Ms. Williams brings over 15 years of experience from working with fortune 100 and 500, corporate and non-profit companies. She is an experienced leader who drives results. In addition to grant awards, Donja generated over $100,000 in revenue, and thousands more of in-kind donations. Moreover, over the past two years, FIM Business Showers has added over 40 new jobs in the community, achieved a 150% company growth rate and helped program participants secure over $1,000,000.00 in revenue, using the customized training program from her for profit business, Freedom In Me, LLC.
Ms. Williams has a well developed talent for transforming the lives and business outcomes of individuals and companies through effective analysis, success planning, financial mapping, and budget management. This skillset was demonstrated through her work as President of the PTC at Unity Classical Charter School. Through her leadership, she was able to create and implement the operational infrastructure for the parent body, while using LEAN strategies for continuous process improvement, effective communications, and building trusted relationships between parents, staff and board members.
Moreover, under her leadership, not only did Donja establish several working sub-committees, but Ms. Williams led the school in it's fundraising efforts, raising over $130,000 in two years, the most the school had ever raised from the parent body! Donja, is exceptionally gifted with superior skills in fostering intergenerational engagement, and increasing organizational capacity at the grass roots, corporate and local governmental levels. Our top executive is a sought after thought-leader in the Charlotte business community, and is a valued member of the small business eco-system in Charlotte. Above all of her accomplishments, her most important role is mother to 10 year old, Kidpreneur, Josiah Williams-Rutledge and 19 year old Elijah Sapp. Her boys are truly her "why" and her passion! "Hey freedom, it's me!"
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.